Annamaya Kosha:
Honoring Your Physical Body

In Ayurveyda, the layers of the body that contribute to our overall well-being are called kosha. The first, Annamaya, is the kosha associated with the physical body. This is the easiest kosha to understand because we look at our body all day. For instance, look in the mirror. Take note of how you look. Are you heavy, skinny, muscular, sickly?

We are born into our natural bodies (prikruti). The current body that we live in has been influenced by our day-to-day choices such as lifestyle and diet and many other factors. The current body (Vikruti) is what we create with these choices. The more we return to our original bodies, the more we increase our chances of improving and maintaining health.

One of the most prominent ways we can influence our bodies is by intaking proper nutrients. An aware person realizes we truly are what we eat. Eating a proper diet is crucial in maintaining good health. Poor diets promote deterioration of self. In my early years, I followed Dr. Bernard Jensen through his seminars, books, and lectures. He was a true champion of the holistic movement in America. He states that disease starts in the colon. The colon it is the digester and eliminator of the substances we eat. When we eat irresponsibly, our colon is tasked with processing and eliminating to a much harsher degree. It is our personal responsibility to eat foods that bring life not sickness. Sticking to an organic lifestyle that centers on a lot of vegetables, minimum grains, and the highest quality beef, poultry, or fish aids our digestive system immensely.

Totally eliminate processed foods and all sodas. Position yourself to have quality time for meditation and prayer. Set a short-term, attainable goal. You will achieve your goals by scheduling them into your daily agendas. Small goals need to be met for at least 30 days. Then when you're consistent by maintaining and meeting these daily and weekly goals you can move into a longer term goal.

The next thing that I will mention and you may not like it but I would like you to remove sugar from your diet. In my personal opinion, if it's not in its natural state, don't add it to your diet. Keep fruits to a minimum and try to eat fruits that are highly beneficial like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Stay hydrated with the cleanest water possible— no fluoride or added chemicals. Buffett the body through yoga training, martial arts, kung fu, or dance. In general, maintain an active lifestyle. These are simple guidelines to help start you in the right path on treating your Anandamaya Kosha with respect and wholeness. This is how you honor your physical body.

We are all designed differently and require different things to maintain our physical body in healthy ways. Schedule an Ayurveda session can assist you in mapping out a successful plan to transform your life from the inside-out.

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